Kamis, 20 Mei 2010


Hihi judul posting ini diawali oleh kata Besties yang pastinya mengandung unsur-unsur pertemanan dan kekerabatan dong. Atau persahabatan? Aw gak bisa bayangin, pokoknya kalian semua harus lihat beberapa foto yang bakal gue tunjukin disini.

Makna dari foto itu sendiri berarti banget loh. Coba deh liat Selena & Demi yang sudah memulai pertemanannya sejak umur 12 tahun bertemu karena sama-sama satu perusahaan (disney channel). Dan gue nemu foto gue sendiri bersama sahabat gue yang adegannya mirip sama foto disebelahnya (selena&demi).

This is about our pictures. Random, classic, but full of memories. Check it out.

I hope our friendship is like Demi Lovato & Selena Gomez, they're one and the same.

Bonus foto Serena & Blair, karena persahabatan mereka gak ada bedanya kayak Selena & Demi yang sama-sama bersatu, dan klop banget. You and me, is like Serena & Blair 'gossip girl' when we're together.

Itulah tadi beberapa foto yang gue pajang. Gak mau pisaaaaaah :*
Maaf kalo ada temanku yang gak ada disini, soalnya nyari foto yang pas sama selena & demi itu susah bok hehe. Nanti deh kalo gue nemu foto yang sama lagi kayak Demi & Selena pasti gue pajang kok pasti! Friend till the end, promise?

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Kelly Clarkson live in concert!!!!!!!!

Live in concert? Iya hari kamis kemaren Kelly Clarkson dateng ke Jakarta untuk menyelenggarakan konser tunggalnya. Wuidih gila banget gak sih JAVAMUSIKINDO mendatangkan Kelly langsung dari America sana. Sebelum dateng ke Indonesia, bulan April lalu Kelly emang lagi menjalankan tour keliling dunia, setelah dia dari Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, dia langsung kesini pada tanggal 28 April 2010. Dan malam besoknya tanggal 29, dia melangsungkan konser di Tennis Indoor Senayan pukul 9 malam.

Sampai di official twitternya Kelly Clarkson pun, dia nge-update seperti ini:
"In traffic, on the way to my Jakarta show. Hope I make it haha! Traffic is CRAZY here!!

Adapun yang dinyanyikannya pada malam konser adalah; My life would suck without you, Since U been gone, already gone, breakaway, because of you, dan lainnya

Habis sudah waktunya di Jakarta, Kelly langsung melancong lagi ke Boston, untuk konser lagi dong tepatnya. Dan apa yang dia tulis di blognya mengenai konsernya di Jakarta? Silahkan baca ini:

"So ...my morning began with finding out that I am all over billboards, tv ads, and other media formats along side a tobacco company who unbeknownst to me is sponsoring my Jakarta date on my current tour. I was not made aware of this and am in no way an advocate or an ambassador for youth smoking. I'm not even a smoker, nor have I ever been. Unfortunately, my only option at this point was to cancel the show in order to stop the sponsorship. However, I can't justify penalizing my fans for someone else's oversight. This is a lose-lose situation for me and I am not happy about it but the damage has been done and I refuse to cancel on my fans. I think the hardest part of situations like this is getting personally attacked for something I was completely unaware of and being used as some kind of political pawn."

Waaaah masih sempet aja ya dia nulis blog ini, tapi terima kasih Kel, udah mau dateng ke Jakarta. Go go kelly go. Gue masih menunggu Lady Gaga sampai kapan pun *mending nonton*.

Tanggal 12 Mei ini JAVAMUSIKINDO mendatangkan Pitbull dong. Lagi dan lagi di Tennis Indoor dong. Tiketnya katanya udah laku habis terjual, gak nanggung2 deh mulai dari yang 400ribu, sampai yang ngejual 1,2 juta juga ada. Denger-denger sih, Pitbull bakalan konser disini sekalian membawa dayang-dayangnya. I know you want me.....

Selasa, 27 April 2010


Thing i wanna tell you is... i really very extra adore Lady Gaga. She makes me going "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" *screaming*.

When the first time i saw her (through online of course), i thought that she was my first Role Model. She lives in famous, luxurious, and full of paparazzi. I like it. She always try some new fashions made by herself. And she creates her songs by herself too.

Join with some designers in USA, Lady Gaga made much costumes to perform her act on the stage start with glasses, hat, coat, dress, shoe, and many more outfits that i can't mention it one by one. For example, she created her coat costume "Kermit the frog". Like you can see in this picture below:

And with her purple hair (cute huh?):

"Ribbon hair":

Now she become a trendsetter. That's why i like her so much.


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